AGM - 1st June 2024  at 4pm

AGM - 1st June 2024 at 4pm

Saturday 1 June 2024
16:00 - 17:00
Ali Watson
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All Members are welcome to join us for our Annual General Meeting to be held on Sat 1st Jun 4 pm at the Clubhouse.

The bar will be open and the meeting will take no longer that 1 hour. Members must get the opportunity to have a say in how your club is run. Do you have any ideas or comments? Do you have a small amount of free time to volunteer to help with the running of the club? There is always something big or small that you can do to help out - as the saying goes "Many hands make light work"!

Mens 6 Captain
Ladies 3 & 4's captains
Umpire Coordinator

The Standard Agenda

  • Chairman’s Report [Lucy Marks]
  • Re-Adopt Constitution
  • Treasure’s Report [Deidre MacKinnon]
  • Election of new Committee
  • AOB

AOB should be limited to 5 mins - if there is anything bigger you wish to ask or address, please submit to the Secretary (Ali Watson) via the club email

Any Member over the age of 16 is eligible to vote.
We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible on 1st June

HBHC Committee

Further reading
This is a past event
8 members attending
Ali Watson
Ali Watson
Amy Mason
Amy Mason
Kirsty Butler
Kirsty Butler
Richard Minton
Richard Minton
Isaac Bates
Isaac Bates
Henry Pywell
Henry Pywell